Biofuels are fuels largely derived from living organisms that use the sun as their main energy input. Energy may be put into planting, fertilizing, harvesting, and processing the crops, but most of the energy, in the final plant product, comes from the sun. Through the process of photosynthesis plants convert solar energy into chemical forms of energy (carbohydrates, fats, etc.). Plant convert solar energy into a chemical form more usable as a fuel. Biofuels are considered carbon neutral. That is, they release no net amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.This because the carbon dioxide that is released during combustion was originally absorbed from the atmosphere during the process of photosynthesis.Hence, no extra CO2 is pumped into the atmosphere The process of photosynthesis can be summarised by the equation below.
6H2O + 6CO2 => C6H12O6 + 6O2
Palm oil is used to produce biofuel.. A process known as transesterification is commonly used to produce biodiesel. Chemically, transesterification is the process of exchanging the alkyl group of an ester with another alkyl group, from a different alcohol. Vegetable oil contains fatty acids bonded to glycerol to form triglycerides. In the case of biodiesel, a vegetable oil ester is combined with a simple alcohol, methanol, and a catalyst, resulting in the breakup of the triglyceride ester to form glycerol and three methyl esters (biodiesel) A typical molecule of biodiesel looks like the structure below.Mostly it is a long chain of carbon atoms, with hydrogen atoms attached, and at one end is what wecall an ester functional group .
Making good biodiesel requires several other steps besides the transesterification reaction(as shown in the right).The first is to remove any traces of water in the vegetable oil.If this is not done, the water will later react with the vegetable oil in the reaction and make soap.
If soap gets made, then later it complicates the steps after the transesterication reaction that are needed to separate the biodiesel from leftover methanol, the NaOH or KOH catalyst, and the glycerol byproduct.Diesel engines can burn biodiesel fuel with no modifications (except for replacing some rubber tubing that may soften with biodiesel).This is possible because biodiesel is chemically very similar to regular diesel, shown below.Notice that regular diesel also has the long chain of carbon and hydrogen atoms, but doesn’t have the ester group.Actually, the first diesel engines didn’t run on “diesel” fuel, but on vegetable oil, a sample molecule of which is shown below.Notice that it also has the long rows of carbon and hydrogen atoms, but is about three times larger than normal diesel molecules.It also has ester functional groups , like biodiesel.That larger size of vegetable oil means that in cold weather it gels, making it hard to use in an engine.Converting it into biodiesel makes it a smaller molecule, closer to the size of regular diesel, so that it has to get colder than vegetable oil before it starts to gel.
In chemistry, soap is a salt of a fatty acid. Soaps are mainly used as surfactant for washing, bathing, and cleaning, but they are also used in textile spinning and are important components of lubricants. Soaps for cleansing are obtained by treating vegetable or animal oils and fats with a strongly alkaline solution. Fats and oils are composed of triglycerides: three molecules of fatty acids attached to a single molecule of glycerol.The alkaline solution, often called lye, brings about a chemical reactio known as saponification. In saponification, the fats are first hydrolyzed into free fatty acids, which then combine with the alkali to form crude soap. Glycerol, often called glycerine, is liberated and is either left in or washed out and recovered as a useful by-product according to the process employed.
Soaps are key components of most lubricating greases, which are usually emulsions of calcium soap or lithium soaps and mineral oil. These calcium- and lithium-based grease are widely used. Many other metallic soaps are also useful, including those of aluminium, sodium, and mixtures of them. Such soaps are also used as thickeners to increase the viscosity of oils. In ancient times, lubricating greases were made by the addition of lime to olive oil.
Tempestt Henderson, a 19-year-old girl from Florida, has a rather peculiar addiction – she can’t help eating soap bars and washing powder. There are worst things to be addicted to, but this has to be one of the strangest.
The young girl remembers she loved the smell of washing powder on her mother’s cardigan and on her bed sheets, and so do many other people, but that doesn’t make them want to stuff their face with the toxic substance. But that’s exactly what Tempestt felt when she first dipped her fingers in washing powder and licked it off. ‘I dabbed the powder onto my tongue and it tasted so sweet, and salty…it just felt so right. I was hooked straight away.’ says the young nursing student.
She new that stuff was hazardous to her health, but she loved it so much she couldn’t stay away from it. From the moment she woke up, she would give in to her washing powder craving, ignoring the warning labels. Before she knew it, Tempestt began licking off the soap bubbles of her skin in the shower, and popping tiny chunks of soap in her mouth and suck on them. Eating soap felt much cleaner than just washing with it, and the young girl claims that at one point she would go through five bars of soap in a week.(By Jeff Maysh UPDATED:22:33 GMT, 8 February 2011)
Fortunately, in your case soap is not a very dangerous substance, though in large amounts over time it could disrupt your health. Soap is generally non-toxic and should not lead to poisoning. However, it can cause diarrhea, vomiting or skin irritation. If eaten in great amounts, soap and dish detergent can kill. Most soaps and detergents contain toxic chemicals like potassium carbonate and sodium carbonate. Symptoms that might result from eating soaps and detergents include severe pain in the throat, loss of vision, low blood pressure develops rapidly, and severe change in blood acid levels, which can lead to organ damage. Symptoms
Eyes, ears, nose, and throat
Severe pain in the throat
Severe pain or burning in the nose, eyes, ears, lips, or tongue
Loss of vision
Throat swelling (which may also cause breathing difficulty)
Heart and blood circulation
Low blood pressure -- develops rapidly
Severe change in blood acid levels, which can lead to organ damage
Breathing difficulty (from inhalation)
Necrosis (tissue death) in the skin or underlying tissues
Stomach and intestines
Severe abdominal pain
Vomiting, may be bloody
Burns of the esophagus (food pipe)
Blood in the stool
The doctor gave Tempestt intensive Cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT, to give her replacement thoughts that will prevent her from compulsively reaching for soap. 'I’m learning to think about positive things when I feel I need to eat soap,' she said. She has also been encouraged to go for long walks, avoiding places where soap is present, like bathrooms and laundrettes. She added: 'Doctors have encouraged me to talk about my issues, because they think my addiction is caused by me bottling things up.' And for the teenager who used to take not one, not two, but three bottles of soap into the shower, she hasn’t eaten soap since September 2010. When her mother found out about her daughter’s addiction, she ordered Tempestt to return home from college. It may have been a smart move as Tempette admitted: 'I just couldn’t face being back there, alone, with a campus full of soap.' Today, she faces a long road of recovery, but says she hopes she’ll never have to eat soap ever again.
Organic chemistry is that branch of chemistry that deals with the
structure, properties, and reactions of compounds that contain carbon. It is a
highly creative science.In
addition to being plentiful, organic compounds are also unique. This is because
carbon atoms have the ability to form strong bonds with many different
elements. Carbon atoms are also able to bond covalently to other carbon atoms,
while simultaneously forming strong bonds with other nonmetal atoms. When
carbon atoms bond together, they can form chains consisting of thousands of
atoms. They can also form rings, spheres, and tubes.
Chemists in general and organic
chemists in particular can create new molecules never before proposed which, if
carefully designed, may have important properties for the betterment of the
human experience. In terms of Ph.D. population, organic chemistry is the
largest chemistry discipline, in both total numbers, annual Ph.D. graduates, and
in annual production.Organic chemistry is
the study of carbon and the study of the chemistry of life. Since not all
carbon reactions are organic, another way to look at organic chemistry would be
to consider it the study of molecules containing the carbon-hydrogen (C-H) bond
and their reactionsOrganic chemistry is a branch of
chemistry that involves the study of organic carbon compounds. It encompasses
the structures, composition, and synthesis of carbon-containing compounds. In
understanding organic chemistry, it is important to note that all organic
molecules consist not only of carbon, but also contain hydrogen. While it is
true that organic compounds can contain other elements, the bond between carbon
and hydrogen is what makes a compound organic.
Originally, organic
chemistry was defined as the study of compounds created by living organisms.
However, its definition has been enlarged to include artificially synthesized
substances as well. Before 1828, all organic compounds were obtained from
living organisms. Scientists didn’t believe it was possible to synthesize
organic compounds from inorganic compounds. Many attempted to do so and failed.
However, in 1828, urea was synthesized from inorganic substances, paving the
way for a new definition of organic chemistry.
Organic chemistry deals
not only with the chemistry of life and the natural carbon compounds but also
with the huge, increasing number of synthetic carbon compounds. We are living
in a world which is largely shaped by organic compounds. There is hardly any
walk of life where we do not need the organic compounds. There is hardly any
industry which is not dependent on organic compounds. It is the most beautiful
branch of science which has great applications in our everyday life. All our
requirements would not have been fulfilled without the knowledge of organic
chemistry. The understanding of organic chemistry dates back to the nineteenth
century. Scientists claimed that things obtained from plants are too complex to
study and recreate in the laboratory. Inorganic chemistry, another main branch
of chemistry, was believed to be much simpler and easier to do research. The
scientists believed that all the organic matter were held by a vital force.
They then named these compounds as organic.